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About our company

Xooma Worldwide

Changing the Health of a Generation.

Worldwide international presence

From the United States to Australia and from Russia to Mexico, Xooma continues to positively affect people's lives all around the globe. Xooma currently serves health conscious consumers and business oriented members in over 60 countries. Ever expanding, Xooma Worldwide is positioned at the forefront of what top economists are calling the next trillion-dollar trend, the wellness industry.

Over 30 years of industry experience

Xooma's mission of improving people's lives began long before its formation. In 1993 the original founders of The Health Network, Inc. began assembling a powerful line of cutting-edge health and wellness products that can only be described one way – life-changing. With "wellness products" representing one of the fastest growing industries in the world, Xooma Worldwide continues to set new standards for quality and performance.

Product Research and Science

Supported by over 35 million dollars in extensive research and studies, the ingredients in KardiaXyme deliver noticeable health benefits throughout the entire body. This exclusive formula contains a potent and unique blend of 14 different sea-based, highly bioactive polyphenols that optimize cellular, cardiovascular and metabolic health to support lifelong physical and mental wellness. KardiaXyme is one of over 30 exclusive products offered by Xooma Worldwide.

Why choose Xooma Worldwide

The fact that you're here tells us you're one of millions of people in the world today looking for a more natural approach to better health. So whether you were referred here by one of our Xooma Team Members around the world or you simply found us on your own, we congratulate you on making the wise decision to take a closer look at our Company and products.

With all the choices out there today in the wellness industry, you might be asking yourself "what makes Xooma Worldwide better than any other company?" Not only is that a fair question, it's the number one question we want you to ask.

You see, from day one, we designed this company to stand head and shoulders above the rest - even in front of the most hard-nosed skeptics who come our way. And in order to do this we knew we needed to build world-class quality - in our products, in the way we operate our Company and in the way we care for our Members - people like you.

A difficult task? Yes. But, while most companies' main focus lies in doing whatever it takes to be "the biggest," here at Xooma, we're simply focused on being the BEST.

Products based on cutting-edge scientific research

For example, rather than start our company with dozens of low quality "slap a fancy label on it" type products, we choose to grow our company one product at a time. Again, we are dedicated to providing you with the best wellness products on the planet - period. And if that means a smaller, more focused, premium quality product line, that's fine with us. After all, what good is a health product if it doesn't deliver the results you're looking for? Rest assured, you'll always be able to count on us to provide you with the kind of products you'll be proud to use and recommend to your family and friends.

What we stand for

At Xooma, we produce premium quality products at surprisingly affordable prices. We understand the importance of providing honest "value" to our Members (especially in today's global economic times) and it shows in everything we do. Perhaps that's why we're one of the few Companies in our industry who have been successfully serving people's health needs for more than 30 years.

We're confident that the more you learn about Xooma Worldwide, the more you'll want to join our family of repeat customers and satisfied Members as we continue our mission to "Change the Health of a Generation."

Xooma's Vision

Xooma is just starting its journey to fulfilling our vision of helping hundreds of thousands, and eventually millions of people enjoy optimum health and long-term wealth through our products and business plan. We're currently looking for inspired and motivated people who share that same vision. So, we'd like you to consider this a personal invitation to join us on this incredible journey.

- We look forward to serving you!
Copyright 2024 KardiaXyme - Xooma Worldwide.